Friday, March 26, 2010

The Emperor's new clothes

Brennan modeling his first cover - Thought I would spoil the boy and rug him over the winter. He hardly needs a rug but if he is going to be broken in then I suspect it would be useful if he was also covered. That's my excuse and I am sticking to it! Please excuse piles of poo in photos - Brennan is a very tidy boy.

The shed is progressing nicely. The builders won't be back until late next week now so there is a lull in proceedings. I just hope the weather doesn't deteriorate too soon. It's looking good!! I'll do a shed blog in the next couple of days.

In other news (that always sounds so naff!), Missy has been scanned and confirmed in foal to Robbie (Woot!) although when that happened, I have no idea. This mare has twice now completely slipped under the radar with me. She clearly silent heats but the stallion who knows just covers her at night or when no-one is looking. Not going to complain, at least she is in foal.

The pink pony (Twinkle) went home yesterday. Unfortunately not in foal. She has fluid in her uterus so will need a good flush out pre-breeding this coming spring. Her owner has promised she will be back. I was not expecting her to be in foal so it came as no surprise really. She is an older mare and it was just so late in the season - Yes, it is a shame that Brennan will not have anything on the ground next season now but that's the way the cookie crumbles. I have had a couple of opportunities to do late breedings with him myself but have elected just to wait until early spring and get started then. No point in rushing things really and I already have enough mares to foal next season. He's a long term proposition and good things, as they say, take time.


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