I only have a few minutes, so I'm dashing this out quickfast. I'll get right to the point. I am having trouble coming up with material for this blog. Most of the time I write about what is happening in the news or the last DVD I watched or the last book I read. That shit writes itself. But as far as having great new ideas or insights, I have none.
I don't know what to do about firing up the creative juices. I'm not ready to do the LSD/peyote thing. I like the real world just fine. But I feel that I am at a creative dead end.
The one essay that gets the heaviest traffic here is the one where I ask if Tim Ferris is a scam artist. The other one deals with brokenhearted people who love reading the one about love being bullshit. I remember writing that one after being brokenhearted myself. I wrote that one a long time ago. My girlfriend asked me if I still believe in that essay, and I do. I will always be a cynic on that issue.
Another popular one is "How To Get Your Shit Together." Clearly, a lot of people want to straighten themselves out. And I get traffic and commentary from inbred Georgians with "Fuck Georgia." After five years of writing this blog, these four articles are the only ones anyone really gives a damn about. Most of the stuff I write here has a shelf life of a day.
With a million blogs out there, I have a very insignificant place in the blogosphere. But ultimately, I write for myself. I just don't know how much longer I can keep doing this gig.
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