Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Severus Snape

Now I have a machine gun too, Ho Ho Ho.

Who would of thought that when British actor Alan Rickman uttered these words in the first Die Hard Movie over twenty years ago, that he would surpass every child's dream and give what might be one of most perfect acting performances in history.

I say this, because the pressure on him to recreate Severus Snape from the Harry Potter books to the big screen was immense.

But he nailed it, this actor who's other big role, Robin Hood the Prince of thiefs, saved that movie, could of gone into the Harry Potter series, read in his lines without any work, and let the special effects take it course.

He didn't, I dont think any other actor who's taken a role from a book to the big screen has done it with so much perfection, that your left sitting there wondering why is this guy so good?

He is not talked about in film circles as a genuis, he isnt covered in awards, but he does what he has to do and he becomes the role.

At the start of this post I mentioned the line from the first Die hard Movie, long before, J K Rowling had even thought of Harry Potter, and I see so much of Snape in the Villian in that movie, it's scary.

So thank you to Alan Rickman for the performance of Snape, because that what it was, a performance, if there was any justice in thw world, a little gold statue would be delivered to Hogwarts.


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