Tuesday, August 18, 2009


1. I got some negative feedback about my shitty remark about smokers. The truth is I hate breathing their smoke and then watching them litter the ground with their cigarette butts. They don't give a fuck about anyone else or even themselves. Yet, I'm the asshole for wanting them to reap the consequences of their stupidity.

FWIW, I've gone to bat for smokers numerous times by opposing laws banning smoking from private property. I am a libertarian which makes me champion their freedom to be stupid. But don't mistake me on this. They are inconsiderate idiots who deserve to get cancer and die.

2. A co-op is the stealth version of the public option which is the stealth version of single-payer. The Obamanites think they can spray enough paint on this shit to fool us into thinking it is gold. Not quite, Mr. President. Try again.

3. The people who bash Sarah Palin for being stupid are really looking stupid right now.

4. Leftards are boycotting Whole Foods because the company's CEO turns out to be a libertarian who opposes Obama's healthcare tomfuckery. As much as I like Mackey, you should never build a capitalist enterprise to appeal to socialist leftards. They are shitty customers.

5. Brett is playing for the Vikes and will certainly break the record for consecutive starts for any football player. The man wants to play. So be it.

6. Sometimes, when things get really quiet, you can hear a woman expel all the farts she has been holding all day.

7. Usain Bolt shows the beauty and wonder of the pharmaceutical industry.

8. People tell me that I hurt other people's feelings. I wish they would stop telling me this because it is starting to hurt my feelings.

9. I like how anyone who disagrees with Obama is a "racist." This is pretty fucking sad when this is all the left wing has to offer in retort. The race card. What a shame.

10. People chide me for negativity, but I think I am a very positive person. I believe my life will be better in ten years, but this is predicated on Obama losing in 2012. You've got to have hope.


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