Thursday, May 7, 2009


1. I don't know what to call these things where I use the day as the title and throw out numbered one liners, jokes, commentary, etc. I just know they are immensely popular among my friends who get them in their email inboxes and share them with other people. So, I'm bringing them to the blog here.

2. I won $500 in a drawing, and this is what I've been hearing all week:

"Charlie, you are a complete fucking asshole. Can I borrow 50 bucks?"

3. I eat a lot of bean burritos. They are cheap and filling and give me the intestinal ammo I need to inflict olfactory damage. The perfect food.

4. Someone asked me to clean up the language at the Liberty Blog for the mass consumption of his website. Considering that I receive no cash whatsoever for that work, the least I can do for myself is retain the pleasure of using four letter words against cocksucker politicians. Money might change all that one day. The lesson? If you're going to sell out, at least have the decency and common sense to get paid.

5. I think Kyle Busch is on steroids.

6. Obama is looking to cut government waste. Resigning would be a great way to start.


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