Monday, January 5, 2009

New Sports Law Scholarship

Recently published scholarship includes:

E. Jason Burke, Note, “Quasi-property” rights: fantasy or reality? An examination of [CBC v. MLBAM] and fantasy sports providers’ use of professional athlete statistics, 27 WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF LAW & POLICY 161 (2008)

Timothy D. Cedrone, Comment, A critical analysis of sport organization bankruptcies in the United States and England: does bankruptcy law explain the disparity in number of cases?, 18 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 297 (2008)

Walter T. Champion, Jr., Looking back to Mackey v. NFL to revive the non-statutory labor exemption in professional sports, 18 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 85 (2008)

Doriane Lambelet Coleman & James E. Coleman, Jr., The problem of doping, 57 DUKE LAW JOURNAL 1743 (2008)

Jennifer Ann Heiner, Comment, Concussions in the National Football League Jani v. Bert Bell/Pete Rozelle NFL Player Ret. Plan and a legal analysis of the NFL’s 2007 concussion management guidelines , 18 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 255 (2008)

Amy Christian McCormick & Robert A. McCormick, The emperor’s new clothes: lifting the NCAA’s veil of amateurism, 45 SAN DIEGO LAW REVIEW 495 (2008)

Duncan McHardy, Reconciling soccer authorities and European Union institutions: who is best placed to administer governance within the European soccer market? 18 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 105 (2008)

Diana Moss, Regional sports networks, competition, and the consumer, 21 LOYOLA CONSUMER LAW REVIEW 56 (2008).

Richard A. Posner, In defense of Prometheus: some ethical, economic, and regulatory issues of sports doping, 57 DUKE LAW JOURNAL 1725 (2008)

Alison E. Price, Comment, Understanding the free speech rights of public school coaches, 18 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 209 (2008)

Clifford Stott, et al., Tackling football hooliganism: a quantitative study of public order, policing and crowd psychology, 14 PSYCHOLOGY, PUBLIC POLICY & LAW 115 (2008)

Edmund Ursin & John N. Carter, Clarifying duty: California’s no-duty-for-sports regime, 45 SAN DIEGO LAW REVIEW 383 (2008)

Ray Yasser, Warren Spahn’s legal legacy: the right to be free from false praise, 18 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW 49 (2008)