Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama Draws in Record Crowd

The crowd you see is not for a Garth Brooks concert, its not to welcome the superbowl champs, it's a crowd to see, Obama give a speech, this is historical, folks are excited about this man, it's history changing, as someone from the forum DU said, "Imagine being able to tell your kids/grandkids that you voted for the first African American President.

What is more amazing to me, is that Fox News attacks haven't worked, they have tried every angle to discredit this man, that he use to smoke, that he sat on a board with a terrorist, that he went to a school in Kenya, that he is not for the common folk and the most strangest tactic of all, Joe the Plumber doesn't like him.

Well I'm sorry Fox News, it hasn't worked and be prepared to watch your ratings plummet if Obama ends up winning, you wont be hand in hand with this administration like you were with the last one.

I for one am looking forward to watching election day, to see History get created and to see a bunch of propagandists have to read out the winner, knowing that their whoring didn't work this time, it will be a site to see.

But back to Obama, if he indeed does end up winning it will be amazing to see the leader of the free world being an honest and intelligent man, it will be amazing to see a whole sector of society having someone they can look up to and respect, in just over two weeks, the world might change and it will be for the better and those hundreds of thousands of people that turned up for the rally, will have something to tell their kids about, life is good.


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