Friday, October 24, 2008


I've been watching House on DVD for the past few weeks, and I must admit that it is one of the best shows on TV. I'm beginning Season 3 this weekend, but this is a review of the whole series.

Dr. House is Sherlock Holmes as an M.D. I suspect his name is derived from the famous detective (Holmes=Homes=House), and you have characters like Wilson (Watson) and his disciples who do House's bidding in Baker Street irregular fashion. The number on House's pad is 221 just like Sherlock. Both characters are peculiar and obsessed with solving their respective mysteries. They both play musical instruments, and they both have drug addictions. House is Sherlock Holmes.

There is a difference between the two characters. House has a bum leg. He is a wounded healer, and that leg creates a deal of plot for House and the rest of the characters to deal with. Basically, the show is a medical procedural, but somewhere, someone fucked up and gave us this fascinating character. As a result, the show absolutely delivers. Between the medical cases, the drama with House, and his wickedly funny lines, you are utterly entertained.

You have to like House, and you start to agree with his methods even if they seem questionable. The guy is an asshole, but his honesty wins the day. He isn't always right, but he manages to figure it all out by the end. Then there are the breaking and entering points in the show that strain belief. What doctor would risk his career on a felony conviction? But clearly, they all have House's disease. They are fixated on solving the puzzle.

There is one constant theme running through the show. People lie. More than anything else, the reason these people get sick is because they simply can't tell the truth. Often the causes and cures of their ills are ready at hand, but their lack of honesty puts the patients in dire straits. The show is about coming to grips with reality.

Needless to say, I highly recommend these DVD's. They are quite addictive.


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