Sunday, February 4, 2007

Turn or Burn

I know this nice lady who invites me to church often. I've always declined, and I tell her that I am an atheist. Well, things became a little nasty the last time she talked to me because she informed me that I am going to hell for my atheism. I'm quaking in my boots, bitch.

Folks, I'm a nice atheist. I can appreciate differing viewpoints even religious ones. I do not appreciate when those viewpoints are wedded to force. Threats of hellfire are a form of force. Personally, I consider them one step removed from outright persecution, torture, and execution.

The sick fucks of the Spanish Inquisition justified their crimes against Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, etc. as their desperate attempts to save these poor fools from God's eternal wrath for their iniquity and heresies. Compared to hellfire and damnation, sodomy with a hot poker seems perfectly justified.

Concern for another's soul is really nothing more than a veiled attempt to control other people and to feel the power surge that comes from vindication. When someone converts to our viewpoint, we feel like we are winning. Nietzsche called this the will to power. I call it tyranny.

Here's a shout out to the religious out there. With all sincerity, I implore you to take your religion and shove it up your ass. And if any of you nutjobs think you are going to convert me at the point of a gun or knife, I am telling you now that I will blow your brains out. I am a rattlesnake, and you will get bitten.

As an atheist, I think the world would be a better place without religion and other superstitions. But unlike atheists like Stalin or Mao, I will never force my atheism on other people. I believe people should be free to accept any creed they choose so long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. I think this is a rational viewpoint and a just one. But many religious types believe that their dogma justifies criminal activity from bombing abortion clinics to flying commercial jetliners into buildings. The ends justify the means, and if it is God's end, those means can be horrible indeed.

There is no God or hell. I refuse to live my life in fear of your deity or your church. I treat others the way I wish to be treated, and I think this is the essence of morality. And I am a nice guy but to a point. I'm not letting anybody run me over including nice churchgoing ladies. If this makes me an asshole, well, sorry 'bout it.


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