Monday, September 12, 2005

Welcome Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly Readers

A gracious thank-you to Attorney David Frank, news editor of Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, for his article on Sports Law Blog in this week's publication. (Frank, "Couple of Good Sports," Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly, 9/12/2005). David, along with Attorney Scott Gilefsky, co-hosts Sports Court on Sporting News Radio Boston on Sundays from 6 PM to 8 PM.

Here are some excerpts from the piece, which appears on page 5:

So, what do sports and law have in common? For a pair of recent Harvard Law School graduates, the answer is a lot.

Michael A. McCann and Greg L. Skidmore have developed the Sports Law Blog into a nationally recognized website that explores the legal issues in sports through postings and lively e-mail debate amongst readers.

"When the site began, no one expected it to grow," Skidmore, 25, comments. "It was something fun to do and not anything we thought would actually become popular."

Two years after its creation, though, the Sports Law Blog receives between 3,000 and 4,500 visitors per week and has become a must-read for a wide-audience.

Skidmore and McCann, who write all of the postings on the site, say they feel their readership includes individuals from legal and non-legal backgrounds.

"Our hits have skyrocketed this year," 29-year-old McCann notes. "Having an audience that you don't want to lose makes you want to work harder and it gives you a real sense of reward. It's been incredible to have experienced lawyers tell me that they've read an article I've written and feel that I turned a subject on its head" . . .

Recent subjects have included the legal consequences of Red Sox officials banning the displaying of offensive signs and shirts at Fenway Park, the role that insurance plays in baseball and other action sports, and U.S. Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr.'s views on sports and his work on a Title IX sex-discrimination case.

For more on the story, Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly is available in most book and magazine stores in Massachusetts. If you live there, we hope you pick up a copy.

For those of you have just discovered Sports Law Blog, either through David's piece or otherwise, please take a look at a sampling of our works, which we compiled a couple of weeks ago for a story on the Blog by Mark Hyman in Street and Smith's Sports Business Journal.

Perhaps most importantly, we thank all of our readers and those who contribute comments and e-mails. We are truly grateful for your contributions to this website.


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