Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Onion Takes on Sports

I realize that I may be a bit late to the party on this, but The Onion has begun regularly featuring sports stories along with its usual excellent material. This week, "Terrell Owens Pre-Emptively Disparages Next Contract," (9/21/05).

    PHILADELPHIA—Eagles wideout Terrell Owens, who recently returned to his team after a training-camp holdout on the second year of his seven-year, $49 million contract, took time Monday to verbally blast the amount, duration, and bonuses of whatever contract he signs next.

    "It's going to be a damn travesty," said the 31-year-old All-Pro, speaking to reporters months or even years before the hypothetical contract is drawn up. "A travesty. I'm one of the best receivers in this league—hell, after the incredible, record-breaking season I'm sure I'll have had when I sign this next contract, I might be the best ever. But I wouldn't go so far as to call this next contract the best ever. It's going to be an insult on the part of whichever team I eventually sign with, and they'll know it. I demand they give me what I really deserve."

    "I know I'm a top player in this game," Owens added. "But my next contract simply won't reflect that."
Somewhere, an agent is smiling.

In real NFL news, this weeks Sports Illustrated reports that NFLPA Director Gene Upshaw is somewhat confident that a new CBA will be in place by December. Perhaps the players and owners should read this week's Tuesday Morning Quarterback (9/27/05-scroll down) for an interesting compromise position that would make everyone but agents better off. (This, of course, means that the idea has no chance.)


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