After my blog post on ranking tables, I got a mail from my friend Kalle P, the Finnish lifter. He wrote that in Finland they have developed a ranking system based on five levels. Each level is symbolized by a number of stars in the span from one to five. Furthermore, they chose not to use the designations from the Soviet sport system: CMS etc.
The number of reps required in order to attain a certain level depends on body weight. The reps required corresponds, grosso modo, to the numbers from e.g. the IUKL, or WKC tables. As you see on the site they also recognize Igor Morozov's RIKL ranking system as a source of inspiration.
I find this a smart solution, especially nowadays when computors allow constructing such calculators. |
Kalle P is also the man who constructed the computor software for the Biathlon Generator (LINK) and the score-boards used on several competitions in Sweden, Finland, and Denmark.
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