I used to have a column with various ranking tables to the left in this blog. Then, by accident, I deleted it. So, I have tried to recollect them.
1985- 88
1985-1988, http://referat.ru/referats/view/23426 |
With the fall of the Soviet Union a lot of the official sport structures were re-organized. Is that the reason I have not found any tables for the early 90's?
http://lib.sportedu.ru/press/szr/1998n4/p23.htm |
![]() |
2001-2004, http://referat.ru/referats/view/23426 |
Biathlon, http://www.mosfgs.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&Itemid=14 |
Long Cycle, http://www.mosfgs.ru/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=14&Itemid=14 |
2010-2013 (Current Russian and IUKL table)
You already know this one, or can find it here: http://www.vfgs.ru/ranks2010
New weight categories.
2010-2014 Ukraine
IGSF stayed with the old weight categories, while IUKL schanged to the recent categories in 2009.
Candidate Master of Sports attainable with 24s as well as rank I,II and III with 32s. My favourite table.
http://kettlebell.narod.ru/normativ/norm2011-2014.html |
LC, http://kettlebell.narod.ru/normativ/norm2011-2014.html |
Ladies (snatch)http://kettlebell.narod.ru/normativ/norm2011-2014.html |
Well, that is it for today. I will keep filling in and repair my column with rank tables. I want to include, e.g. WKC and IKSFA's tables. If you see some errors here - or have other ranking tables or relevant info, please send a message. For example, I believe Russian military has tables of their own, do you know more about this?
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