LC 2x20kg: 5,5
LC 2x24kg: 3, 55 (10min / PR)
I tried another 10min set with the 24kgs. Last attempt finished dishonorable with lactic acid and feeble-mindedness at 46 reps somewhere after the seventh minute.
Today went better. First 5minutes I did 5rpm. After that I threw in one, or two, 6rpm minutes. Minute 10, I did 7, or 8, reps. It felt nice. Weak point was cardio & lactic acid. Grip was fine. The best thing is that I got quite tired, but not at all as destroyed as I usually feel after 10 min sets with 24kgs.
If train on, I might be able to make rank 2 in the IUKL table: 56 reps. That would be nice. To go to an IUKL comp and get paper on that. Of course, home results and competition results are not always the same.
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The IUKL ranks are the same as the Russian national ranking table 2010-2014.
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