1. Big Ben likes to play with Little Ben, but sometimes, Little Ben gets Big Ben into big trouble.
2. Obama is going to give his Nobel Peace Prize cash to various charities. Conducting two wars eats up a lot of time, so it may be awhile before he completes his list.
3. I have an idea for a great charity--TAXPAYERS FUCKED IN THE ASS BY OBAMA. They have been hit hard and need all the help they can get.
4. Reports indicate that many Americans have pared down their debt. This will better enable them to pay for all the borrowing and spending the US government is doing.
5. 48% of Americans now believe that Al Gore is completely full of shit.
6. Tiger Woods hires Ari Fleischer to handle his PR. You may remember Ari. He was the guy who did such a wonderful job being the PR guy for that twit George W. Bush.
7. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Gamecocks arrested for alcohol possession. I am shocked. SHOCKED!!
8. Uh oh! Little Ben wants to come out and play!
9. Gamecocks get an assbeating from Bama. There is no way they are going to the dance.
10. A Conway man pleads guilty to running over his girlfriend and killing her while attempting to run over the man who broke his jaw. He was sentenced to six years, but the sentence was suspended. I swear I am not making this shit up, folks.
11. BONUS!
Saw this on a bumper sticker today:
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