Friday, March 12, 2010

Please Stop it, Martin Snedden!

Hey Martin Snedden, can you please stop it, I'm not going
to be able to stand the next 545 days if you don't.

Martin Snedden has once again written another piece for
fairfax on the Rugby World Cup.

This time he has made sure fairfax has taken the comment sections

It's his usual Lies, he once again tells the public that the RWC
will be a stadium of four million people. In fact he has told
us it's vital that we use everyday of the 545 days left to make
this a success.

He went on to say the world will be watching New Zealand.

How can I make this clear to Martin????

I find it sickening that a CEO would lie.

I knew that at the start of 2011, there would be a
massive buildup to this thing, but I never thought
in my worst nightmare that all the BS marketing would
start 545 days before it.

This is why I wont be part of the stadium of four million.

The NZRFU wants everybody to be involved, but the NZRFU has
screwed every other sport in this country. Releasing major press
statements to the media on the eve of other sports big events.

Refusing to cooperate with other sporting codes in terms
of the use of venues and the timing of events.

Lying about numbers and manipulating the media.

Do you really think the NZRFU would want the public
to get behind say a Basketball or cricket world cup.

So Martin, please don't expect people to bend over
backwards for your cup, and please, we are not on show
to the world, we maybe on show to the rugby supporters
of half a dozen countries, but that's it.

Do you really expect people to forget about other sports
and focus on your cup for the next 545 days, it anit
going to happen.

You should be ashamed of yourself, and what you have
done to sport in New Zealand.

I guess money does talk.


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