Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blog Updates

We would like to thank Cards & Case Breaks ( for their continuous support by posting our links every so often on their blog and Facebook page and for keeping our blog link on the front of theirs. And if you have not visited their site yet..please do! Weekly giveaways, reviews, previews, and more!

I was comparing some numbers from this blog to theirs from what they posted about a week ago. Congrats to them for some incredible strides and numbers!

Here is a breakdown of what was posted.  They hit 401 hits in a single day. We have had only 210 as our highest and its been awhile since we have touched that number. They have 48 subscribers. We have 5. They have almost 300 followers on Twitter, we have 3. That's mostly because we just got an account. They have over 150 likes on Facebook..we have been on Facebook for way over a year and only have 61.

The point of pointing out these numbers is we would like to be at some of them. Twitter doesn't matter as much since that's a rarity to be on there. We would love to have more views per day. More likes on our page. Hopefully this 10,000 view contest will help with this. We also promise we do have so great prizes coming up.

As always, thanks for the support. We appreciate our fans! And please when you can, post this link to other sport card sites you go to. Or just mention us.


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