Thursday, March 29, 2012


My mind is blank at this moment. The reason for this is because I am not yet caffeinated. I am beginning to think I have caffeine dependency.

I don't really get to write about what I am thinking about. This is because what I am thinking about is a person who I don't want to write about. These are strange but happy times for the C-man. We will leave it at that.

The question is put to me. Is love still bullshit? My unqualified answer is yes. Love is still bullshit. My opinions on love have not changed. But with that said, I must admit that there are some rare couples out there that exhibit what I can only describe as true love. They don't cheat on each other. They don't use each other for money. They enjoy each other's company. They treat each other well. And they are perpetual newlyweds always showing love and affection.

I carry a picture on my phone of one of those couples. They are the real deal. If I ever doubt that true love exists, I pull up that picture to remind myself that black swans do exist. They are just rare.

For most people, love is and will always be a crock of shit. It is only as good as the parties involved, and I don't see womanizers and whores ever having true love. What they have is what I call "counterfeit love." This is love as the product of wishful thinking and self-delusion. I know this first hand as I have fallen for this counterfeit love many times.

True love begins as friendship. Your life partner should be your best friend. If they aren't and you find yourself sleeping with the enemy, you have fucked up. I don't know how else to put it. But when you find the One, you just know. No dating website or self-help book can help you on this. When you find the person you can live with the rest of your days, you can't not be with that person. People in counterfeit love seem desperate to find reasons to be together and to make it work. People in true love can't find a reason to not be together.

I am hopeful these days. That's all I can say right now. I am very hopeful.


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