Saturday, June 14, 2008

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects


This came out of nowhere. Dead from a heart attack. I liked Russert. NBC lost a good one. There will be a huge hole at Meet the Press.


Ron Paul called it quits, but the vows to keep on with a campaign for liberty and try to work within the GOP. Say what you will, no one has done more for libertarianism in terms of an election than Ron Paul. I voted for him, and he inspired a lot of people and their support.

I am a bit lost again. I can't deny that I am not overly enthusiastic about Bob Barr or the LP. I am very frustrated, and I am considering trying to go back and work within the GOP again to push the issues there. I think Ron Paul has given us a model to work from. I am divided between purity and pragmatism. Something for me to contemplate for the future.


It is hard to be enthusiastic about things when the price of gas is so high. I know all of this will work itself out, but I put the majority of the blame on a weak and inflated dollar. Ben Bernanke blows. He needs to ratchet up interest rates and force a recession. It is time to feel some sharp pain than this long drawn out misery.


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