Sunday, March 4, 2007

Q & A

People ask me a ton of questions every day because I am the strangest person they know. Needless to say, I get tired of answering them because I hate repeating myself. So, I decided writing my answers might be a better way to go. Then, the next time they ask me that question, I can refer them to my blog. Basically, Q & A will be a regular feature here at the CBlog. On with the questions. . .

Q: Why are you an atheist?

A: I am an atheist because of science. There is no evidence for the existence of God or any other supernatural phenomena, so I don't believe in that shit. But this answer does not satisfy people. They believe that I suffered some sort of emotional trauma like getting ass raped by a pedophile priest when I was 10 or something. The reality is that I was religious at one time, but I questioned that faith when I had a roommate commit suicide about 8 years ago, and I found his body all bled out in his bedroom. I was very upset about this because it was his week to clean the bathroom. Heh heh. . .

The reason my roommate killed himself was because he was a closeted homosexual studying to become a minister. I didn't find this out until after he was dead. The bottom line was that he was torn between being something he wasn't and being something that he was. Unable to remain true to himself or conquer his "demons" he chose to kill himself.

I could help someone like that now, but there would have been nothing I could have said to him at the time since I believed in the same things. My advice to anyone like this is to understand that God does not exist and to quit feeling guilty. That's what I did in my life, and it made a profoundly positive difference in my life.

Like it or not, scientific facts and ideas carry a certain psychological impact. This is why otherwise rational people can reject evolution. The psychic toll of accepting that is just too much. Most people don't have the courage to face an empty universe and to find a personal meaning as opposed to a transcendant meaning. But the universe is what it is, and until you accept it, you will always labor under guilt, disappointment, or what have you.

If I could go back in time to before my roommate offed himself, he probably would have disagreed with my atheism and rejected it. But that's why he's dead, and I'm not.

Q: Why don't you write about work on your blog?

A: I get this from coworkers alot, and the answer to that one is easy. I don't want to get fired. But people will want something more satisfying than that, so here it is.

I am not a disgruntled employee. That is because if I disagree with management/ownership at work then I remind myself that I am not the owner of the business. I am free to leave and find other employment or even start my own business. The key reason people bitch about their jobs is because they want to exert control without having to deal with the risks of raising capital and getting a return on it or to suffer the consequences of their own decisions. In short, talk is cheap, so the help like to chatter a lot because they don't have the balls to be entrepreneurs or leaders.

The irony is that most workplace issues are a consequence of the bullshit that workers inflict on one another often in violation of the policies of management. Workers will unionize for more pay, more vacation, etc., but they never get together to clean the restrooms, make the coffee, or take out the trash. Yet, they would be the prime beneficiaries of such a movement. These same people will argue that they aren't paid to do these things, but they are. I have been paid for every trashcan I emptied, every pot of coffee I made, and every floor I swept and mopped. All of it was done on the clock for the benefit of ingrates who would rather lie in their own shit than exert the effort to clean up after themselves.

Like it or not, today's workers have a sense of entitlement which I lack. I think I lack this because I have seen it from both sides. I have been worker, leader, and entrepreneur. My advice to the help is to quit your bitching and do your fucking job.

Q: Why are you so bitter towards women?

A: This is a leading question because it implies that I harbor bitterness against women when I don't. I have lived long enough to see bullshit on both sides of the gender divide. I also don't wish to be guilty of overgeneralizing because not all women are the same.

What is true of me is that I am a cynic concerning the topic of love. I have seen it, and I have experienced it. Love is bullshit. My attitude towards love is the same as it is towards religion. I refuse to drink the Kool-Aid.

50% of marriages end in divorce. 60 to 70% of married men cheat on their wives. 40 to 60% of married women cheat on their husbands. (These infidelity rates are actually on the low side since a lot of people actually lie about infidelity.)

The downside is that love is both emotionally and financially devastating. The upside is that getting laid has never been easier. Lust pays, but love costs. That's the difference.

Unlike religion, love is not something you can turn off. Believe me, I have tried. I have seen even the most hardened thug players fall for a female against their better judgment. Eventually, they will come to their senses, but oftentimes, it is too late. They have done something stupid like get married. I know one guy who just accepts his wife's infidelity not because he loves her but because it is cheaper to keep her. Sad shit but true.

I am not willing to marry at any time under any circumstances, and I am at the point where I think any sort of committed relationship is out of the question. It is all a fiction. And the best cure for a broken heart is a one night stand. I do not believe in love, but I do believe in a healthy fuck. Where's the bitterness in that?


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