Saturday, March 10, 2007

Ambiguous Terminology

The philosopher Aristotle said that women were without virtue. This is because virtue is essentially reason, and women lacked rationality because of their passionate natures. Since virtue is an essential component of happiness, it is impossible for women to be happy. They string misery wherever they go. You can never trust a woman because their words are filled with ambiguity and mean whatever they want them to mean.

The first ambiguous term women like to toss around is the word "friend."

"Can we be friends?"
"Oh, he's just a friend."
"I hope we can still be friends."

Here's a tip to the men out there. Women are never your friends. NEVER. "Friend" is an ambigious term that women toss around to delude themselves, others, and you. For instance, if a woman meets you for the first time and asks if you and her can be friends, the reality is that she is interested in fucking you, but first, she has to find a way to keep her boyfriend from finding out. In this instance, "friend" is a bookmark for future reference. Women have tons of these "friends."

If you have a girlfriend and she says that Mr. So-and-so at work is "just a friend," it is a sure sign that she is fucking that guy or will be fucking that guy. It behooves you to KICK THAT CUNT TO THE CURB. "Friend" is her way of lying about what she wants. If you pick up on this, she will accuse you of jealousy or whatnot as if you are the one with "issues." You are the irrational one for being like this. You need to be "trusting." Six weeks later when she is deepthroating that friend's cock, remember how "irrational" your suspicions were.

Finally, if an available woman refers to you as a "friend" or wants to "just be friends," tell that bitch to step off. In this instance, "friend" actually means friend. She may or may not fuck you at a later time, but she will most certainly dangle that bait out there for you. She wants you to believe in the "friendship" wherein she expects you to spend time with her and even money on her. But she really has no interest in you except for your money. Basically, the woman is using you and covers over this bullshit by saying that you and her are "friends." Give me a fucking break.

Remember what I said. Men, women are never your friends. That is because all women including my own mother are lying whores.

The next ambiguous term is the word "love."

"I love you."
"I thought I loved him."
"I love him, but I'm not IN love with him."

A woman can marry a man, have sex with him, tell him she loves him, and then run off a year or two later to do whatever with whomever. To us men, she didn't love the guy. The woman will retort that she loves him. She just wasn't IN love with him. Ahhhh, those pesky prepositions.

"Love" is a lot like "friend" in that women use it as a headfake to get what they want. What they want is a commitment which is a contract that says you will be faithful to the bitch and spend lots of money on her while she goes around fucking other men. And how does she justify this arrangement? She "loves" you. She just isn't "in love with you." You have to shake your head and laugh. Basically, she can deceive you and then wash away the guilt because she still fundamentally cares about you even if she isn't in love with you. If you have just gotten a whiff of horseshit, that is no accident. Women are full of it.

If at this point you think it is all a game, then you would be correct. Women are deceivers. It is their nature to be this way. Men deceive each other every so often, but it often ends in extreme violence which is why, as a general rule, men try to be on the level with one another. We agree to the rules. We clarify our terms. This does not work with women. Women lack the means of enforcement because they are weak. Their only hope is to count on a man's chivalry and sense of honor which is what they exploit. From the time they were little girls, women are taught to be difficult and deceitful to get what they want. That's why the ones who don't follow their mother's advice are called "easy." Easy is a good thing. It is better than "difficult." But I digress. . .

"Love" is an ambiguous term because women don't really love at all. Love is the bond that exists between two rational people. This is why I can still be friends with guys from five, ten, fifteen, and even twenty years ago. This is also why after six months, I can't stand a woman. Those six months represent a random sample wherein bitches revert to the mean of their essential natures. They can only fake you out for so long before their innate irrationality and deceitfulness comes out.

It is all a wicked game. How do you win this game? Don't play it. As Dave Chappelle put it, "Chivalry is dead because women killed it." You don't get truer than that. The bottom line is that you can never trust a woman. People will decry this blatant sexism, but I know this shit is true because women don't trust each other. Tell your wife or girlfriend that Ms. So-amd-so at work is "just a friend" and see what happens.

The other option is to play the game. This is where the term "player" comes from. Basically, a player is a guy who understands the way women truly are and plays by their bizarro rules. Women howl at indignation over this, but they keep putting out for these players and secretly love them anyway. It is what it is. Nice guys get the compliments. Players get the pussy.


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