Monday, December 25, 2006

Bah Humbug

I hate Christmas.

I spent Saturday fighting people in Wal-Mart to get my last minute Christmas shopping done. I have to buy for people for Christmas because they have bought for me. I would feel bad if I didn't get them something. But I'd rather the entire custom of gift giving would disappear altogether.

I'm not one of those types that laments the commercialization of an essentially religious holiday. I'm an atheist, and I could give a shit about all that. I just hate the hassle. I hate all the car wrecks that happened in Columbia on Friday as fools eager to celebrate left work with their cars in DRIVE and their brains in NEUTRAL. I hate turning on the radio and having to listen to Christmas songs that I've heard at least one thousand times since I was a kid.

For me, the only bright spot about Christmas are the kids. I admit that I like seeing children enjoy the holiday. I don't have kids, but I made sure a couple got something under their tree.

Finally, Santa did come by my place last night. The SOB left me a bag of switches. I'm not making this up. I must have been a bad boy this year. Sorry 'bout it.


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