This is the year Baby Boomers start hitting 65 and draining the shit out of Medicare and Social Security. Medicare is predicted to collapse in less than a decade. I remember this crisis being predicted all the way back when I was in high school. It will come to pass just like they said it would.
I'm not a big fan of Baby Boomers. I like the Great Depression/WWII generation. These would be my grandparents. Baby Boomers always struck me as the spoiled brat generation. I am Generation X which makes us the angst generation. We are the first wave along with Generation Y to get shit on. I feel more affinity with the Greatest Generation than the Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers are just a whiny indulgent bunch with zero character.
People make a big fucking deal out of Facebook and talk about how it is going to take down Google and take over the whole goddamn universe. Now, don't get me wrong. I like Facebook. I use it often. But it isn't going to take over the world anymore than AOL or MySpace took over the world. Media shitheads need to quit making such dramatic grand pronouncements like this. It is fucking stupid.
People need to lay off this guy. Yeah, fighting dogs is a nasty business but so is making that grilled chicken sandwich you are having for lunch. I hate to say this but most of the antipathy for Vick isn't by dog lovers so much as by racists. They hate on the guy because he was involved in something that a lot of black people enjoy. It was pure ghetto shit, and they are piling on the fucker. Now, I'm not a fan of animal cruelty, but these dogs kill each other even when you don't won't them to fight. This is their nature. It is hard to feel sympathy for an animal that you would have to euthanize anyway. And I don't buy that dog whisperer shit that these animals can be rehabilitated. But I think Michael Vick can be rehabilitated and is a long way there. People like Tucker Carlson just want to lynch the fucker because it is a good excuse to kill a black guy. Am I the only one who doesn't see this as fucked up?
The world needs to wake up to the fact that Vladimir Putin is a shadow dictator, and Russia is not a free country. The irony is that the USA is not far from being the same thing as Russia.
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