Monday, October 4, 2010

Finnish Open Long Cycle Championship, Kuusamo

Saturday was the Finnish Open Long Cycle Championship in Kuusamo. The host, Simo Kurvinen had the main responisbility of arranging this excellent event. It run like a Swiss clock: weigh-in, judges meeting, rules demonstration, flight schedule, and all went very smoothly.

I was also impressed by the set-up.
Behind the screens were three warm-up platforms and lots of kettlebells, chalk and water spray bottles. Warm-up area is crucial.

One lifter, Kalle P., had developed a software for showing the scores on a projector screen. They were coordinated, so the projector showed the time as well as the points for the three platforms simultaneously. That was of a great help when lifting. Every lifter was judged by two judges.

The Versowood laminated wooden platforms are made of two pieces, held together with a bolt. The platforms weigh ca 50 kg, so it is good that you can split them in two.

The bells were Leoko, nice to lift.

The lifting was interesting and high quality. Girevoy sport is relatively new outside Eastern Europe and development is going fast. A few years ago, doing 10 minutes in long cycle was a big thing in the "neo-GS-countries". It is still a big thing, but now several lifters did that.

Here is the results: LINK.

My result was not bad - 46reps with the 24kgs. My year-dream-goal was of 45 so I am very happy :-). Still it gave me place nine among eleven lifters in the 24kg category. Most lifters did over 50 reps, some over 60 and the winner 70.
That is a very nice development of the sport.

It was nice to see many familiar faces again. Here I am lifting simultaneously with a friend who lifted one platform away from me last year in Latvia.

So much good and exciting lifting. In the ladies categories as well as among the gentlemen. It would be too long going into detail. One thing that I find exciting is GS is the last minutes and when there are very close results. The day started with two ladies both hitting 82 reps in such a way. And two gents both got 62 reps in lccj (then the win goes to the lightest lifter).

Talking about weight - I weighed 86kg! I think it was because of quite a sturdy hotel breakfast.

The audience was quite big and cheering. It was as loud as in Ventspils and I felt a bit like Denizov or Ginko when the public cheered for each of my final albeit, few reps :-).

After the competition there was a very nice sauna and rhein-deer dinner. And some cold beers - delicious and fun!

There is also a strong interest to organize competitions with Sweden. Maybe during the summer? Big, small comps, invite Norway and Denmark... workshops... The sky is the limit.

Thanks a lot to the Finnish Kettlebell Association, Simo and all lifters and other people who made this such a good event!


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