I am absolutely delighted that people can see NPR for what it is--a bastion of intolerant leftardation. It is unbelievable that these fucknuts would fire one of their own for going on Fox News. Neither I nor anyone else outside of NPR believes Juan was fired over his comments concerning Muslims. I don't always agree with Juan Williams, but I can say that he is one of the least bigoted people working in journalism today.
The reality is that there is desperation in Leftardia. They are idiots, and they know it. So, instead of making an intellectual case for their viewpoints, they have resorted to their inherent Stalinist DNA which is to eliminate the opposition. You can also bet that they want to shitcan Mara Liasson who is another NPR and Fox contributor.
NPR needs to be defunded of any taxpayer dollars. I also think people shouldn't waste their money donating to that fucked up elitist bunch of leftist cocksuckers. But I do count myself as a regular listener to NPR.
The irony is that the supposedly intolerant Fox News turns out to be the tolerant one here. Juan is a leftie. Yet, he has a home at Fox. Maybe they really are fair and balanced.
Steve Jobs laid into the whole Android debate about open and closed. For him, it is about fragmented vs. integrated. I think the guy has some valid points. I think Steve's driving motivation is to make quality products for his customers. He doesn't give a shit about marketshare or being the biggest. He just wants to make quality stuff.
Android might become the de facto standard OS for smartphones the same way Microsoft did with Windows. People consider this like the Beta/VHS and Blu-Ray/HDVD battles that came before. But they miss one glaring fact. Apple still makes Mac OS computers. They never stopped making them, and they have grown their market share. The reality is that Apple has fewer but very devoted customers.
This debate is a historically long one, and it isn't about open or closed. It is ultimately about maximalism vs. minimalism. Is it better to have more or to have less? Does the market want 100 different android phones of greater or lesser quality? Or does it want one great iPhone? So far, the answer is both. Apple didn't win the battle with Microsoft, but it didn't lose either. And like it or not, Apple drives innovation while everyone else copies.
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