I love criticizing Barack Obama to black people. I can see the pained look on their faces as they have to take me shitting all over their idol and hero. This is because as much as we can feel good about the USA being progessive enough to elect a black president, Barack Obama is still a cocksucking lying leftard shit-for-brains idiotic piece of shit of a human being. Let me know if I left out anything.
The reason I despise Obama has nothing to do with his race. It has everything to do with his politics and his lying. If Barack Obama were a libertarian, I would like him very much, and he could count on my support. But Obama is not a libertarian. He is a socialist. He will grow government. He will raise taxes. He will intrude in our lives. And he will not end these wars we are in or legalize pot. He is worse than Bush, and he doesn't even have a year in on the job.
Leftards cannot fathom that people despise the man's policies. They can only frame it in terms of race. This shows how utterly asinine the Left is. Now, Jimmy Carter has thrown out the race card against Joe Wilson for calling Obama a liar. There is one problem with this. Other people have called Obama a liar, and they are neither conservative nor Republican. The fact is that Obama tells people what they want to hear and makes no effort whatsoever to keep his word on anything. Both leftards and fasctards can find a great deal to hate about Obama.
I try hard to find something to like about Obama. I was able to do this with Bill Clinton. Clinton balanced the budget and got welfare reform done. Obama is hellbent on doing the exact opposite. I hoped he would get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan. I was really deluded on that one. So let me tell you why this prick got elected.
Obama got elected primarily because this country was sick of Bush-Cheney, and McCain was going to be Bush-Cheney II. No matter what, whoever got the Democratic nomination, that person was going to win the general election. Obama won the nomination because he opposed the war where Hillary did not. That was the Obama mandate. END THE WAR. It was not to socialize medicine or tax fossil fuels out of existence or bail out every industry in the USA. It was to get our men and women out of Iraq. Obama was seen as the person most likely to do this. So far, we are still waiting.
When leftards like Jimmy Carter toss the race card, they are fucking morons. The Left needs to grow a pair and tell their president to end the war. They won't. They want their socialism, and anyone who disagress with them are not sincere dissenters but racist inbred Ku Klux Klan neo-Nazi rednecks. This is sad sad sad.
This country is dividing not along Red/Blue state lines but along urban/rural lines. Urban sophisticates look down their noses at people who live out in the country and in the heartland or places like Alaska. They can no longer hide their antipathy for blue collar people and farmers and anyone who does't drive a Prius and listen to NPR. If you listen to country music, the Left hates you. When a peanut farmer like Jimmy Carter tosses out the race card, he is licking the asshole of the urban Left in a vain attempt to rise above his roots. I used to respect Carter as a man of peace but not now. He is an asskisser.
FWIW, neither Obama nor his administration use the race card. In this regard, I have high respect for them for doing this. Obama is still a liar, but at least he acknowledges that people disagree with him on the issues. Just because you don't agree with the POTUS doesn't make you a racist. The Left needs to grow up and move on.
As for black people who can't stand hearing me shitting on their president, what were you expecting? I've been shitting on white politicians for years. I've been talking shit about Bush for the last eight. I'm supposed to give Obama a pass because he is black instead of white? Fuck that. Tell your president to end the war that Bush started, and he will get way more respect from me. Until then, he is a lying cocksucking piece of shit. Deal with it.
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