Sunday, September 20, 2009

San Barbados has taken a tumble ...

but he hasn't fallen from grace, rather it would appear he has fallen over and hurt himself or been bashed into (by a certain orange yearling Irish gelding who thinks he's 'the man'), damn! Bados is 28 years old and will be 29 on the 1st of January next year and he's my horse hero, my equine rock, my 'one in a million' super special boy and I adore him! He's not allowed to hurt himself because he's going to live forever!

He's very cross with me right now because I have taken him away from 'his' babies, Aine and Rory because they play too rough plus I keep visiting him and poking at him. My friend Jane has very kindly loaned (I would buy one but it is out of the budget at present sadly) me her 'Back on Track' back pad so he is wearing that for a few hours every day plus he is on anti inflammatory medication. I am going to try and get a therapist to him as soon as possible as well. I have everything crossed this is just a blip on the radar of his life.

Beautiful Bados
His current standing position
It seems this is more comfy
Gorgeous BOT model


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