Glenn Beck is not a libertarian. I really wish he would quit using that term to describe himself though he was probably as libertarian as Bob Barr.
The litmus test for a true libertarian is their position on the drug war. Anyone who thinks drugs should remain illegal is simply not a libertarian. That person is a conservative. Glenn Beck supports the war on drugs. He also supported the Iraq war. He gets a big F on his libertarian report card.
I was saddened a bit when I heard Swayze died. He was not a top shelf actor in the De Niro/Pacino mold, but he was in some of my favorite movies. Point Break was one of my guilty pleasures. I owned the VHS tape and watched it repeatedly during the 90's especially for Swayze's "metal coffins" speech and the American spirit. The movie was definitely B-grade fare, but Swayze was a genius in his portrayal of Bodhi. You got what he was saying. Robbing banks was all about the stoke.
I didn't care much for Ghost, but I think Swayze will be missed and will live on in some of those guilty pleasure movies like Roadhouse and Red Dawn that play on TBS. You never know when your time is up, but I think Swayze had a good run.
Everyone knows a BPB or a "Black Power Bitch." This is an angry black woman who seethes with rage at any and all white people. The anger is unexplained and irrational. Even KKK types manage to be affable. I always get grief from these types because I am white guy with a bald head and a Southern accent. Talk about chumming the waters! Anyway, I find the best way to deal with BPB's is to simply talk to them as little as possible. They are easily identified by their scowl, acid tongue delivery, and the occasional African headgear.
This chick had sex with her dad. OK, Dad was a perv, but Mac was also a perv, too. She was a grown up high on drugs. This is some sick shit. What is really sick is the lengths people will go to in order to sell a book.
Fox News watchers are horrified to learn that school kids were brainwashed into praising Obama and basically licking the fucker's ass. Sickening. But the brainwashing does not stop there. Public education is very horrible at education, but it has done a remarkable job of turning out kids with slavish devotion to the American myth and rehabilitating various presidents such as Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, and Kennedy. People are shocked to discover that their heroes were scumbags. Why is this? Shouldn't kids know that Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and permitted Sherman's war crimes? Shouldn't they know that Wilson was a virulent racist who promoted segregation? Shouldn't they know that FDR's New Deal was really a raw deal that impoverished this country? And what about JFK putting it to Marilyn Monroe doggy style? Kids should know about this, so they can have a healthy distrust of their government like real Americans.
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