I don't know how the latest chapter in the Polanski saga will play out, and I'm not even sure what opinion I should have on the matter. The simple fact is that a 44-year-old man having sex with a 13-year-old girl is just fucked up. What he did was criminal.
I recognize there are extenuating circumstances in the case involving the judge who was a total media whore. But Polanski was getting a slap on the wrist all things considered. The simple fact is that the rich and famous get a free ride on the shit they do while the rest of us get hard time.
The victim in the case expresses no desire for justice because we are talking about someone who is now well into her 40's and simply doesn't give a fuck about the matter anymore. I doubt she was all that traumatized in the first place since it was her mom that flipped out and wanted to press charges.
The resolution to this affair comes down to a trial and whether or not the victim cares to press charges. We already know she is ready to settle the matter, and this case will most likely be dismissed. But Polanski drags it out by remaining a fugitive. He needs to come back to the US and deal with it.
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