Thursday, September 24, 2009
MS FB Team Goes Beyond
Jim DeJoy, head football coach of the Sycamore 7th grade football team, has been having an exceptional season.
His players have bought into virtue to a degree that has truly impressed him, his staff and the teachers.
Jim is a teacher as well, In years past, it would be "normal" for him to receive notes about players getting detention, misbehaving, not turning in homework ... from other teachers. So far this year - only positive. 2 players have been student of the week, 1 player athlete of the week.
Half of the team has earned their "Virtue = Strength" wristband by now for having fulfilled resolutions.
As a team they have accomplished two service projects already: 1 for the virtue of Charity and 1 for the virtue of Humility.
For charity - they gathered to make sandwiches for a homeless shelter in downtown Cincinnati. Each player was to earn $2-$3 dollars doing chores so they could contribute the money to purchase the food. They then made 500 sandwiches for the homeless shelter.
For humility - they had a campus cleanup competition. The team was divided into groups, given garbage bags and had to race to collect as much trash as possible. Attached is the photo of the group of young men that won.
Thanks, Jim, for this wonderful example of service and dedication.
God bless, Lou
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