Tim Tebow doing pre-game sprints while pushing a little boy in a wheelchair. The boy's name was Boomer Hornbeck, a 7-year-old from Atlanta who suffers from cerebral palsy. An hour before kickoff, while Tebow warmed up, he pushed Hornbeck’s wheelchair as he ran. Afterward, Tebow said it was the most memorable moment of the game for him. "It was so cool to see the look on Boomer’s face," Tebow said. "It was a special moment for him. He'll remember it and that's what's meaningful."
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Gut Check
I just want to encourage you ...
Over the years I have observed many coaches and this is a point in the season that becomes crucial especially for the Head Coach but also the Assistant coaches ... habits begin to form ... emotions begin to take over ... the season in some respects begins "to slip away."
I wanted to offer some ideas for reflection. Forgive me if this seems to "assume" that you don't know what you are doing ... totally on the contrary ... I am just trying to inspire some reflection that may be needed ...
* When things go wrong during a game or practice, are the coaches able to control their emotions?
- Reflect - OK the player did not do something correctly
- How can I TEACH him to do it better?
- How can I communicate with him more effectively?
- How is this lesson going to help him become a better man?
Many times what happens is that the coaches just get too negative and start screaming. They forget about the player and react mostly out of sheer emotion. Coaches need to remember to be self-LESS.
* If you are frustrated with your win-loss record ...
- Has your record deep down become the driving force of your season?
- Why am I coaching to begin with?
- Am I letting my relationships with my family and friends go down the toilet because I'm consumed with finding a way to win?
- Is this frustration more a sign of personal weakness or true interest in the kids. Self-LESS?
A renewed perspective is needed: Your life is short, your time to teach these boys to become men is even shorter.
* Are you truly mentoring the young men on your team ...
- Do not "measure" yourself on what you are talking to your team about ... rather focus on what your players are concretely achieving in their resolutions off the field.
* Is God a part of your coaching? Are you asking HIM to help you, inspire you, give you virtue?
On his eye black for this past game, Tim Tebow had Proverbs 3:5-6:
Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
If I can help in any way, please let me know.
I truly appreciate everything you do for young men. Know that I am praying for you every day.
God bless you, Lou
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