Sunday, September 14, 2008

The LP Disintegrates

The Libertarian Party is falling apart. Bob Barr snubbed Ron Paul by not appearing with him at an event. There is even a movement within the LP to have Barr "impeached." What a joke.

Don't get me wrong. I believe in liberty and the freedom message. I think it is also a winning message. The problem is with the messengers.

Ron Paul has done wonders for the freedom movement. He works within an established party. He reaches out to anyone who will support him. But he remains principled in his beliefs and his actions. This is a winning strategy. Ron Paul has done more for libertarianism than any candidate preceding him.

The problem is not with libertarianism but with third party politics and mentality. They reverse the Paul strategy. They isolate themselves but actually end up compromising their principles. Barr is the LP candidate, but people wonder if he is actually a libertarian.

I don't like Bob Barr. I like the freedom message, but I don't like Bob Barr. I'm also not overly fond of the LP either. It resembles a private club that no one cares to join.

This is the strategy I believe in. Be hardcore in your beliefs and message. Never compromise. Be unbending on principles. But be open to other people. Work with others. Be pragmatic in achieving your ends. Ron Paul has done this. No one doubts where Ron Paul stands. And everyone likes him.

This past year has been an eye opener for me in terms of strategy. I have evolved in my thinking. I think a libertarian has a better shot running as a Republican and winning local races and working their way up. But never compromise along the way. I think they call this leadership. Ultimately, this is what the LP lacks and what Ron Paul brought to the table. Dr. Paul is a leader.

I'm not wasting my time on the LP again. I have gone back and forth desperate to join a movement I can believe in. I don't think I am alone on this. Right now, the Ron Paul movement is it. But I think a bigger one is yet to come.


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