Tuesday, February 7, 2006

When Sports and Law Don't Mix -- Judge Apologizes for Super Bowl Cheer

Prior to sentencing the defendant in a manslaughter case last week, a Washington state court judge decided to show her support for the home team:

    As Judge Beverly G. Grant took the bench Friday, she asked everyone in court to say "Go Seahawks." Dissatisfied with the low volume of the response, she told them to try again.

    Only then did she hear statements from prosecutors, defense lawyers and relatives of the slain Tino Patricelli, as well as an apology from defendant Steve Keo Teang, before resentencing Teang to 13 1/2 years in prison.
(AP). Apparently, not everyone (including the victim's family, who were in the courtroom) appreciated the little cheer. Today, Judge Grant apologized.

No word on whether she will lead any "We Were Robbed!" cheers this week. Seems like it would be especially appropriate for a B&E case.


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