Friday, February 24, 2006

Brooklyn Law Review Article: It's Not About the Money

I have posted on SSRN an updated version of my forthcoming law review article: It's Not About the Money: The Role of Preferences, Cognitive Biases, and Heuristics Among Professional Athletes, 71 Brooklyn Law Review __ (forthcoming, 2006). The article applies two law and economic approaches to sports contract-making: the rational actor model (i.e., athletes have economic and other employment preferences and pursue them) and behavioral economics (i.e., cognitive errors affect athletes' employment preferences in ways that they do not appreciate). I conclude that behavioral economics in sports contract-making appears far more salient than many presume. I would welcome any comments by e-mail (mmccann[at]

Also, you may download the article for free from the abstract linked above. The download only requires an SSRN account, which is free (and which provides you with access to thousands of interesting articles, papers, and drafts).


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