Friday, January 13, 2006

Shameless Book Plug

I am the author of a chapter in a new book edited by Professors John Norton Moore and Robert F. Turner of the University of Virginia School of Law, and also Attorney Ross Fisher of Kaye Scholer. The book is entitled "To Oppose Any Foe: The Legacy of U.S. Intervention in Vietnam." My chapter postulates the possible geopolitical effects of an earlier withdrawal of American troops, and concludes that such a withdrawal may have proven "worse" than having remained in Vietnam. By incorporating behaviorism, I examine political trends in nearby nations (e.g., Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia), as well as those in Latin American nations. Was the "Domino Theory" valid or was it the product of an exaggerated "Red Scare"? Well, I do not assert a conclusive answer, but I find that it did have some evidentiary support and has probably been dismissed too easily by many contemporary historians.

The book has received some positive and noteworthy reviews:

“A remarkable work . . . that will contribute to a more mature and balanced perspective on the tragedy of Vietnam.”—Professor James MacGregor Burns, Williams College (emeritus), winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award

“A serious and refreshing relook at America's engagement in Vietnam and its longer term consequences.” — The Honorable James Schlesinger, former Secretary of Defense and Director of Central Intelligence during the Vietnam War
For those interested in military history and military law, I believe it would make an excellent read. It is available through the Carolina Academic Press.


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