Friday, February 4, 2005

Over on Overlawyered

A non-profit has sued the GAO because it does not like the results of a study it did on Title IX. The study found increases in the numbers of both men's and women's intercollegiate teams, which runs counter to the belief of groups claiming that Title IX causes decreases in the number of men's sports. So one group, the College Sports Council, has decided to file suit. Exactly what remedy they expect is unclear.

Also, an appellate court has ruled that the lawsuit between Michael Jordan and his ex-lover should be heard by a jury. Jordan claims the woman is trying to extort $5 million from him; the woman claims the money was a "hush payment" to keep her quiet after she became pregnant. The trial court judge dismissed the claim for being extortionist and against public policy, but the appellate court disagreed.


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