Thursday, February 10, 2005

Jason Giambi: I'm Sorry, But I Can't Say What For

In a press conference today, New York Yankees first baseman Jason Giambi, 34, repeatedly apologized--including to his employers, teammates, and fans--for . . . well, he didn't quite say, other than for the "distraction over the last year," which he was sorry for. Presumably, that "distraction over the last year" pertained to the December 2004 revelation that he had admitted using steroids to a grand jury in December 2003, even though he would later vehemently claim the contrary to his employers, teammates, and fans. Perhaps best illustrating this pathology of denial, Giambi would arrive at spring training in February 2004, appearing as if he had lost at least 50 pounds, only to claim that he had "given up fast food" as the explanation. I'm not sure if he had just seen a preview for Super Size Me, but he honestly thought that explanation would work. It didn't.

Going back to today's press conference, it was intersting that, because it's an on-going legal matter, Giambi refrained from mentioning the word "steroids."

But he's still sorry. And hopefully his apology is also directed to the fast food industry, whose products clearly weren't making him so big.


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