Thursday, October 18, 2012

Scott Neitlich demonstrates Hoverboard

Scott Neitlich has put a video up over at Matty's
youtube site, demonstrating the Hoverboard.

It does what he says it does, you lay it flat and it
makes the noises, and it does actually look like
the movie Hoverboard.

His bosses at Mattel has also done the right thing
by letting people cancel their order, if they have
changed their minds.

I'm still torn about this thing, as I said in a post
I did months ago, if this was 1989, it would be
a brilliant toy to have, but being 2012, I expected
more, sure the actual Hover technology stuff
is still so far off, but maybe they could've work
on some sort of magnetic stand that would make
the thing float, like some French artist did??

Still it does look like the Hoverboard, once
this thing is in the hands of its customers, I
will be very interested to see what the
reaction will be.

Time will tell.


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