Sunday, October 28, 2012

Unplanned LC

LC 2x20kg: 2x 5reps
LC 2x24kg: 5reps
LC 2x30kg: 3,3,10,6 (ca 3rpm)
LC 2x32kg: 3
LC 2x30kg: 2x 5reps
LC 2x24kg:10/1min
LC 2x20kg:10/1min
Lock-out holds 2x24kg: 3x 20sec
Today's session didn't turn out as planned. I went to the gym for doing bench and deadlift but my card did not work so I could not get in (my own fault as I pierced the card). I went home... winter time messed food time up and I was really hungry when I started. Well, did some lifting anyway :-). Now it is time for a coffee.


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