Saturday, October 13, 2012

Player Of The Day # 26


Jamie B's Caaaammms!

Mrblu's Cam Newtons

Mrsblu's Cam Newtons

Week 5 of our contest will have 2 parts to it...part 1 of week 5 begins keep an eye out for it! Also, as for points for this contest..we will be updating them the next day for now on. Its easier for us and there is less confusion for you!

We have decided to keep this logo as a way for you to earn points!! Just click onto it, tell us something about the Player Of The Day website, prefer something specific about the program, and you will earn 2 points!

And don't forget you can earn points by visiting your participating LCS. You can do that by taking a pic outside a participating one (if you don't have money for a purchase) but make sure you get your photo with the Player Of The Day poster in the back and you will get 50 points. But if you go in and make a will get 100 with proof of purchase and a pic of you and your purchases and with the Player Of The Day poster in site in your photo. Look below for the link that will help you find a store near you! You can only score from one or the other! But since these are bonus points, you can still get points too from clicking the link and commenting below, ebay link or card of the player of the day and for commenting on a Panini review!

We have also added one more way to gain a few bonus points today!! For every new person you get to enter our week 4 contest we will give you 10 points and give the person who enters 10 points in the Player Of The Day contest! Remember...they have til Saturday to enter! And make sure they mention who sent them in comments!

Time to show off your cards of this player!! Remember the rules and how to score points is in this link:
You have til the end of the day to get your entry in!!

Also don't forget to participate at your LCS as well!! Participating LCS stores can be found here:

*Contests are open to U.S. RESIDENTS ONLY! (sorry) 


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