Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Mark Reason is a Fuckin Idiot

Mark Reason is the poster child for New Zealand
sporting Journalists, he sums them up, if you wanted
to show the world what the average sporting Journo
in New Zealand is like, you would show them one of
Mark Reason's stories.

His latest vile piece, shows his sheer stupidity.

He did an item about the Ryder's cup and wrote
how good it was that the Europeans beat the USA.

He like all kiwi Journos, had to mention his precious
Rugby and how America only play sports that they

Well listen very carefully Mark Reason.

Basketball, Baseball, Ice Hockey are a 1000
times more popular globally than fuckin Rugby
Union could ever dream to be.

More people outside New Zealand and the USA
know who LeBron James is, than Dan Carter.

More people know about the Heat or the Yankees,
than the fuckin All Blacks.

Stop lying and trying to create a myth that sports
like Baseball and Basketball are somehow just
American sports, but Rugby is known all
around the globe, it anit.

Get the chip of your shoulder and deal with it.


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