I started this blog because I hate hypocrisy and I saw
a huge hypocrisy in the way New Zealand Journalists
I thought the blogosphere would change this, people
of all shape and sizes having their view, calling people
up on judging people differently.
Alas, this is not the case, and the people most guilty
of this, aren't ya rabid right wing racists, or even
right wing blogs, it's those on the left in New Zealand
I have said it once I have said it a million times, the
Kiwi far left is like the American far right. They name
call, they bully, they censor and worst off all, they
accuse others of their behavior.
There is such a sense of entitlement and a delusion
of grandeur that these bloggers have, they're
extremely passive aggressive and on too many
occasions have to cry out catch phrases to
support their cause (causes that I myself
believe it)
But I'm getting too old to get worked up
over it, so perhaps I should change the
nature of this blog.
SoI say goodbye to these bloggers and
their blogs, I wish them well, only
advice I can give them is to say "Judge
every news story for what it is, and don't
try to lay blame towards an ideology or
nation that you don't like."
The past few weeks have been kinda
sad, sad for what has happen and sad
for the reaction to what has happen.
Again fingers are crossed, that the violence
and hatred will stop.
Time will tell.
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