Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reagan Democrats

I have watched none of the Republican convention and only a slight bit of the Democratic convention. From what I have read and heard, both parties seem very much out of touch. Republicans pander to the privileged rent seeking rich while the Democrats suck up to freakazoids wanting lots of abortion on demand and welfare for unwed mothers. The group that is squeezed out of both parties are those Reagan Democrats.

Reagan Democrats were those northern blue collar guys who tended to be Catholic and union members that found a lot to like in Ronald Reagan back in the 80s. These were your hard working types who earned a living by real work. They didn't burn their draft cards during the war, and they didn't drive BMWs. They weren't rich, and they weren't poor. And they had moral convictions and care for the unfortunate. Those folks still exist. They are just homeless in the political sense.

Working class people are not in a good place. They are suffering under a crappy economy and asked to vote again for a president that cares more about solar panels than real jobs while the challenger is just some rich guy wanting more privileges for so-called wealthy "job creators." For some reason, these job creators are able to make big profits while people are out of work. How is this possible? Who is buying the stuff these people make? And who is producing the stuff these people are selling?

This country needs another Ronald Reagan. Mitt Romney is not Ronald Reagan. He will try and sound like Reagan, but he is just a liar. But Obama is definitely Jimmy Carter reincarnated. No matter who gets elected in November, the working class is going to take it in the shorts.


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