I never carry cash on me. I always use swipe cards. The whole world is headed in that direction. I can also safely predict that the currency of the future will be some sort of e-cash like Bitcoin. Conversely, I see people turning to physical possession of gold and silver as a store of value. Both of these seem to run side by side in much the same way that mp3 files and vinyl both enjoy massive popularity. WTF?!
The problem with cash is that it is produced by governments and central banks who have to fuck with the money supply for various reasons. Naturally, they don't let you use alternative currencies. They want the monopoly currency they produce to be the only legal tender. This allows them to inflate that shit at will and fuck everyone else in the process. Currency competition takes away this power. We don't need a gold standard. We need a free market currency. The market will decide.
Nannystate Mayor Mike Bloomberg wants to end Big Gulp sodas unless they are diet. What a fucking piece of shit. And New Yorkers voted for this son of a bitch. It just blows the fucking mind. Do people really want this trivial sort of shit from their government? And does anyone actually obey these stupid laws?
Bobby Jindal has pushed through school vouchers in Louisiana, but I am one of those rare libertarians who think the results of this will not be that good. The problem with vouchers will be the same problem you see with the higher ed bubble. You will see the cost of education going higher while the quality of that education declines. I am all for private education, but I believe it should also be paid for entirely with private money. Public money put into private hands is just as disastrous as public money in public hands. It warps the economics of it all.
-John Edwards does not deserve jail, but he does deserve a nice case of herpes.
-I am not happy that Julian Assange is headed to Sweden to get fistfucked by the authorities there as they are certain to hand him over to the USA to be truly fistfucked. It is what it is. The First Amendment is dead.
-For some reason, eating another person's face is big fucking news.
-Low carb doesn't hurt your kidneys according to a study. Pass the dead animal flesh please.
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