Thursday, November 11, 2010

There is Always Enough Time in the Day


Getting our young men to write down their thoughts is a tough task ... but it brings a lot of fruits. Consider encouraging your players to write blogs to encourage others to practice the virtues you are talking about as a team.

It might change their life. "It is in giving that we receive."

By: Mike Cook
Senior Defensive Lineman and Wrestler at Monsignor Donovan High School, Toms River NJ

The simple expression “there isn’t enough time in a day” is thrown around a lot. Well, that may be true if your looking to catch a movie, go out to dinner, etc. Although when it comes to something that only takes about thirty seconds- two minutes, that simple expression is not true. 

Taking time to “hit a prayer” or just kneel beside your bed and pray takes up less time in your day than going to the bathroom does. I use to make up more excuses than a kid who didn’t do his homework. After finding my organizing principle and discovering my faith, I have made more than enough time for my prayers. 

If you are a person who has trouble fitting things in throughout your day, start making a schedule of each day. Write it in somewhere that you need to take two minutes to say a prayer, or reflect on your faith. Every human being is able to set two minutes aside everyday. 

I can personally tell you that taking these two minutes a day is more than worth it. Saying a prayer as little as once a day makes you feel like a better man or woman. It had turned my life in the right direction and may easily do the same to yours. There are many positive outcomes that occur if you can consistently make time for praying. I promise you will feel like a better man or women. 

At first I use to think faith was a joke. Now, I try to promote faith every day in my life. Why not? Just try it, make time in your day to say a prayer.


I received this email here below this morning. This could be one of your players in a few years:

On the morning of Nov, 11 2010 i came across your website and it was like a shear sign from God and a complete confirmation of what me and a friend of mine had been discussing over the weekend. 

We both had received full rides to play division 1 football in college and he had the oppurtunity to play for the chicago bears. Plagued by bad decisions we made we ended up falling short of our lifelong goals and dreams. 

We saw that once we got out into the real world that was life was very hard and we both felt as though we should be somewhere else doing something else. So one thing led to another and God had us run into each other and we began talking about our situations and struggles. 

God began speaking to each of us challenging us to do something we have a passion for and we both realized that our passion is to work with young athletes and help them make good decisions on and off the field and to keep from taking the path that we did. 

In conclusion, we both have a strong passion and desire to work with these young men and athletes of today because we understand what goes on when your in the sports limelight and how easy it is to fall and make bad decisions, but most of all we would like to teach them how to be successful men and what life has to offer after football. 

The reason why I am writing to you is I would like to know the direction we should take on doing this as a career. Any help is much appreciated, Thank you 


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