There are fireworks on the Korean peninsula, and people are mystified by the latest North Korean insanity. But not me. I know better. By showing their ass, North Korea brings the USA to the negotiating table. The result will be some sort of new agreement and--wait for it--economic aid. Yep, that's right. North Korea wants your tax dollars to keep their broken government running, keep their people in subjugation, and build a few more atom bombs to use for further negotiations that will result in economic aid. And guess what. It works. North Korea will get that money. They are like the fucked up relative who shows up on your doorstep looking for cash to buy coke with, and you give him the money to make him go away. But he always comes back. . .
I always thought this would be a cool name for a band.
I was thinking more of a death metal band.
Since losing the House in the midterm elections, the leftards have a new meme. Without acknowledging their own idiocy or tomfuckery, they are promoting the idea that the GOP will fuck America for no other reason than to see Obama lose in 2012. I haven't seen such self-delusion since Anakin blamed Obi Wan for turning Padme against him. The reason the Democrats got bitch slapped in the midterms is because Obama is fucking America. The Republicans don't have their hand on their wheel, but they do have a foot on the brake. Even libertarians are being called Nazis and tyrants. Unfuckingbelievable.
There are really only two kinds of politically minded folks. The first type is like me which are the ones who care about principles and will bless or damn any and all politicians for their adherence or deviation from those principles. Then, there are the slimebags who simply twist facts and conjure up arguments to support their chosen party. These are the partisans. These are the people who can smear Bush for Iraq, Afghanistan, and Gitmo while praising Obama for--wait for it--Iraq, Afghanistan, and Gitmo. Amazing shit there.
The polarization never ends. Bristol does great on Dancing With The Stars as a critic on NPR slams her for absolutely sucking. Sarah does a reality show and gets slammed for being a celebrity trying to portray herself as blue collar. Blah blah blah. All the critics say the same thing. All of this is just a way to use popular media to advance politics. But they are wrong. Totally fucking wrong. They have it backwards. Palin used politics to go after a much bigger prize than political office. She used politics to become rich and famous. Palin doesn't want to be President. She wants to be Oprah. And it has worked. I hear she is raking in $10 million a year. Not bad.
Politics and entertainment have blurred. Palin represents this new paradigm. She is a game changer. Look at how much sway she has, yet she holds no office. The Left will decry this, but they've been doing it forever with Hollywood celebrities testifying on Capitol Hill and Bono doing his save-the-world-while-I-shelter-my-fortune hypocrisy. The fact is that celebrity is a form of power since all political power is popular power. Being famous is equated to being smart or just being right. And since most people are stupid, they believe famous people.
Palin is stupid but so are her critics. They will sneer to their demise.
The dominoes are starting to fall. First, it was Greece. Now, it is Ireland. Expect Portugal, Spain, and Italy to follow. And who pays? Germany. Germany will pull out of the EU. They are fools if they don't. GET THE FUCK OUT, YOU STUPID KRAUTS!! Why? Because the EU is a massive socialist welfare con, and Germany is the mark. Sharing is so wonderful when you get to share the pain. It is not so good if you have your shit together.
For a long time, my favorite villain has been Darth Sidious aka Chancellor Palpatine aka the Emperor from Star Wars. He was so totally evil. But I am also partial to General Zod from Superman II played by Terence Stamp. They are both really good bad guys. They both crave power and have no mercy. I wonder what would happen if the two of these ever met up. Fascinating.
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