Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Day Off - Team Service Project

Doing a team service project is an integral part of SportsLeader.

Here is an awesome example of what can be done on a day off from school during the season. Putting the virtue of the week into action.

Thank you Coach Randy Traeger and the Mt Angel Oregon Kennedy High School Trojans.


I spent the weekend trying to figure out why our first round playoff win against Bonanza felt so anticlimactic to me. It wasn't the score, it was what our team had accomplished the day before. 

The "Virtue of the Week" was CHARITY and we had planned a spur of the moment food drive for Thursday as there was no school on Veterans Day. That morning our whole team canvassed the town and collected nearly 1,000 lbs of canned food and almost $600 in cash donations (or more, some still coming). 

The team then joined the elderly residents at Mt. Angel Towers for lunch. Beforehand, we talked with our players about how our society has had a tendency to ignore both ends of the age spectrum: the young (them) and the elderly (like the towers residents) and how it would be good to get the two of them together and talk. Our guys did a fantastic job socializing with the residents. We are so proud of them! 

Then after lunch, we delivered the canned food and cash donations to Mission Benedict and St. Josephs Shelter. What a great day!

Anticlimactic?  I'll get over it. What I wont get over is how amazing it is to watch our guys know good, love good, and do good. Are they angels? Are they without fault? No....but on Thursday November 11th they made a difference.


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