Monday, November 8, 2010

The Climate Fix, Typos and Errata

There are a few typos and errata in the book.  This post is to keep track of them in case there is an opportunity to correct them in the future.  This post will be updated as necessary and will be linked from the main book page.  Thanks to all for eagle eyes!

p, x, "expect by a few countries" should be "except by a few countries"

p. 11, "While land-surface management is a potentially valuable short-term tool for sequestering carbon dioxide (as well as for achieving other goals such as preserving forests, to achieve low atmospheric stabilization targets). . . " has a misplaced end parenthesis, and should be instead "While land-surface management is a potentially valuable short-term tool for sequestering carbon dioxide (as well as for achieving other goals such as preserving forests), to achieve low atmospheric stabilization targets . . ."

p. 116, "The grand total? More than 12,000 nuclear power stations worth of effort" -- this number should be 8,500 (all else is OK in that section)
pp. 174 and 196, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber's name is misspelled in two locations.


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