Monday, November 8, 2010

HEROES-Leo Babauta

When I first heard about Leo Babauta, I was not very impressed with him. In fact, I considered him to be a bit of a flim-flam artist along the lines of some infomercial guru. I was totally wrong on that.

Leo Babauta is an ordinary guy. That is what makes him so special. Unlike other hyped up self-help gurus, Leo is plain spoken, sincere, and real. His website, Zen Habits, rocketed to popularity because of this authenticity. His approach is simple. Focus on one habit at a time. In time, your whole life will change. Following this approach, Leo went from being overweight smoker mired in debt to becoming debt free, fit, and paring down his lifestyle by adopting minimalism. If you are frustrated by where your life is, turn to Leo. He will help you out.

There is much to admire about Leo. He is generous putting all his work in the public domain. He gives away his advice for free. It doesn't cost you anything. Despite this, I have bought some of his books. Getting free samples makes me more willing to pay because it is value for the dollar.

The antithesis of Leo are guys like Tony Robbins and others who are big on marketing and hype and bullshit. Leo isn't like this at all. He is a real person, and it gives you the confidence that if he can do it you can do it, too.

You can check out more on Leo from these websites:

zen habits


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