Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How Women Suck The Life Out Of You

Aristotle said that women could never be happy. This is because he claimed that women lacked reason, and reason was a component of happiness. Consequently, women are always miserable.

Now, I differ on the absolute sexism of this thinking. I think women can be happy in that Aristotelian sense. I think Rachael Ray fits that mold. Madonna might be another one. But speaking in a general sense, Aristotle is right.

The one thing everyone has noticed about me is how I have changed. I seem to have a spark of life back in me. Where does this come from? It comes from being free of my girlfriend. I haven't really noticed it as much as everyone else has.

I have been in countless relationships and break ups, so I have plenty of evidence to support my thesis. I do better alone. When I am free of a woman, I have more life in me. Food tastes better. Sights look better. I feel more optimistic about the future and more in control. I exercise more and eat less. I work more, and my attitude is way better.

Women suck the life out of you. They subtly but constantly undermine you. They beat you down and consume all that you have. They are emotional parasites. And they have no end of problems. They are not unlike heroin. It feels good, but you are going to shit unless you kick the habit.

Women are misery. The damage is working itself out of me, and I will be back to how I was two years ago before I met her. I was happy then. I must admit that I have not been happy with her. But I'm free now. No more relationships for me. I am going down the James Bond path and sticking to it.


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